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How do you maintain and clean flat wiper blades?

Maintaining and cleaning flat wiper blades is an essential part of ensuring their longevity and performance. Here are some steps to maintain and clean flat wiper blades:

1. Inspect the Blades - Check the rubber and frame of the wiper blades periodically to ensure that they are in good condition. Look for cracks, peeling, or any other sign of wear or damage.
2. Clean the Blades - Use a soft cloth or a paper towel to clean the flat wiper blades regularly. Dip the cloth in water or a windshield washer fluid, then gently wipe the blades to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants.
3. Avoid harsh cleaning chemicals - Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners such as bleach or ammonia to clean the wiper blades, as they can damage the rubber blades and cause them to deteriorate faster.
4. Treat the Blades with Silicone - Apply silicone or a silicone-based product to the blades to protect the rubber and prolong their lifespan.
5. Lift Wiper Blades when Parking - When parking your vehicle, lift the wiper blades away from the windshield to prevent them from sticking to the windshield or getting damaged in extreme weather conditions.
6. Replace Wiper Blades when necessary - Replace the flat wiper blades when they begin to show signs of wear or damage. Wiper blades typically last around six months to a year depending upon usage.